Comments on: Can a ketogenic diet successfully treat Bipolar Disorder? Exploring the interface between mental and metabolic health Wed, 13 Apr 2022 13:40:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Chris Palmer Fri, 04 Jun 2021 09:05:57 +0000 In reply to Josh.

Thanks for sharing. It’s great to hear that a change in diet is helping so much!

By: Josh Sun, 25 Apr 2021 03:02:33 +0000 I’ve been on low carb for about 10 days now and I’ve seen significant improvements on cognition and mood. In terms of mood, I’ve been very stable and motivated, and cognitive wise my memory and attention has improved. I also experience less dissociation. There is definitely a connection between low carbs and bipolar disorder that is underlooked.

By: Dr. Chris Palmer Sat, 06 Feb 2021 10:36:23 +0000 In reply to Phyllis Gordon.

I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well on a Vegan diet. Overall, the long-term studies of health outcomes on the ketogenic diet have shown that overall cardiovascular risk is actually reduced, even though LDL does sometimes go up. Cardiovascular risk is more complicated than just LDL. It includes blood pressure, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, levels of insulin resistance, levels of inflammation, etc. All of these other metrics tend to improve with the ketogenic diet, so that overall risk decreases. But again, I’m happy to hear that you’re doing well. For others who aren’t doing well despite trying innumerable treatments, the ketogenic diet should be an option.

By: Phyllis Gordon Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:34:32 +0000 I think the Keto diet is horrible in terms of cholesterol, saturated fats and cardiac health. We are meant to run mostly on glucose, not fat. We are herbivores, not carnivores. I tried Keto for a year, lost 10 lbs and my cholesterol rose to 264. I then transitioned to plant based and have been happily Vegan two years. My moods are even and my sleep improved. I am Bipolar II and am lucky lithium works for me or I might be faced with the Keto option. I think it’s a dangerous one physically.

By: Cecile Seth Mon, 25 Jan 2021 16:30:53 +0000 In reply to Meredith Thomas.


Here is a list of dietitians skilled in the medical ketogenic diet who could work with your son’s treatment team.


By: Meredith Thomas Wed, 06 Jan 2021 10:48:17 +0000 Hello-I am so excited about this research & this nutritional intervention. I have been carnivore for 7 months and it has cured my autoimmune diseases-rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s. What I didn’t anticipate was that my fat-fueled brain would be so even and that I would feel so sturdy emotionally! My son has been diagnosed bipolar and is on the various meds. I would love to introduce him to a doctor that could help him with the keto diet and possibly titrating off of the meds. However, I couldn’t find that source of ketogenic doctors on your site. Could you help me out by directing me to other doctors? I do know of Dr. Georgia Ede. Thank you

By: Might the ketogenic diet fight Alzheimer's Disease? - Metabolic Multiplier Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:26:51 +0000 […] Keto and bipolar disorder […]

By: Doris's chronic schizophrenia put into remission bringing hope to many - Metabolic Multiplier Mon, 24 Feb 2020 16:37:44 +0000 […] Can a ketogenic diet successfully treat Bipolar Disorder? […]

By: Cecile Seth Mon, 24 Feb 2020 13:37:14 +0000 In reply to Earle Barker.

Thanks for your note! Great to hear that you are feeling so much better!

Please stay safe! I strongly encourage you to include your medical team, especially during the fat adaptation period, because symptoms can get worse before they get better. This journal article gives you a sense for both how effective ketosis can be and the minority of folks who self-reported adverse symptoms along the way. In this article 8 out of 165 individuals reported “mood destabilization.” Campbell, I. H., & Campbell, H. (2019). Ketosis and bipolar disorder: Controlled analytic study of online reports. BJPsych Open, 5(4), e58. You can download a full pdf of the article for free.

In addition to fasting, you might want to consider the version of the medical ketogenic diet used in pediatric epilepsy. The 3 dietitians on this list are very experienced and can work with you remotely.

Please consider working with your healthcare provider to have your results published as a case study! That is the best way to change the medical establishment and help them to adopt this therapy and keep patients safe! Here’s an overview of the process. Why write medical case reports about unique cases? While there are many anecdotes of fasting helping bipolar, it would be great to have case studies in peer-reviewed literature. I (Cecile) can help support your healthcare provider if they have questions. They will be more likely to be comfortable writing a case study if you involve them along the way.

Sounds like you are successfully figuring out how to make fasting work for you! If you have questions, then The Fasting Method is a quality source of information.

Keep up the great work!

By: Earle Barker Sat, 22 Feb 2020 18:59:35 +0000 I am bipolar 1. I have struggled with alcohol and abusing prescription medication for about 25 years. I always end up quitting my meds because I cannot stand the way I feel on them and turning to alcohol, pain killers and benzos.
A few years ago I began another one of my many health kicks and started experimenting with intermittent fasting staying in ketosis constantly. Those several months I stayed on a fasting focused routine while working out hard with weights is the best I’ve felt and looked since I was in high school. I eventually fell victim to myself and the old habits that are so familiar and going down a bad path.

I’ve now been sober 3 weeks and am on my first 72 hour fast. I’ve been feeling really bad lately, down, no energy, sad, anxiety and obsessing over things.
This morning I woke up feeling great! I’m in an awesome mood!
I checked my keto strip and it was significantly pink and this made me wonder and worry if fasting might bring on a bout of mania and I came across this great article.
I hope to abstain from alcohol indefinitely and remain on a fasting focused lifestyle.

From the short history I have with ketosis, I can say for sure, it seems to make a huge difference in my energy levels and mood.
