Comments on: About Dr. Palmer Exploring the interface between mental and metabolic health Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:43:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Chris Palmer Fri, 04 Jun 2021 09:00:02 +0000 In reply to Brent Walters.

Hi Brent,
Thanks for sharing your story and for your question. I’m sorry to hear about your son’s mother and her family history of schizophrenia. You’re correct in that having a strong family history like that increases your son’s risk for developing schizophrenia himself. I wouldn’t recommend a ketogenic diet for your son at this point. However, there is evidence that children who have high levels of insulin resistance beginning at age 9 appear to be at much higher risk of developing a psychotic disorder, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Therefore, I would watch for this as he gets older. His pediatrician can do some blood tests to check for this.
There are many things you can do to try to protect your son from developing a mental illness. Most of them are obvious, such as helping him be as happy and healthy as possible. This includes having friends and family that he connects with and can depend upon. Diet and exercise can play a role as well. For his diet at this point, I would try to include mostly whole foods, such as fruits/vegetables, meats, fish, eggs, and dairy, and avoid processed foods as much as possible. I would also promote water or milk as the beverages of choice.
As your son gets older, if you notice problems, such as significant mood or attention/concentration difficulties, I would seek out a consultation with a mental health professional to see if there are strategies to help manage those symptoms. Intervening before they become huge problems can go a long way in preventing more serious problems.
I hope this is helpful. Stay tuned for a book that I’m working on — it will include many other suggestions for intervention strategies if needed as time goes on.
For now, I wish you the best in raising your son and hope that both of you stay happy and healthy!


By: Brent Walters Tue, 27 Apr 2021 13:45:06 +0000 Hello Dr. Palmer,
I’ve been very interested in your work and just want to say I’m very grateful for you. I’m a single father to a 4 year old boy whose mother had a pretty severe case of schizophrenia that ended in suicide. She was also a very dedicated vegan that refused supplements which I feel didn’t help her condition any. Also her father and possibly grandfather were also diagnosed with schizophrenia and I can’t help but have that fear for my son. I know it’s not 100% genetic but I still have that reoccurring fear. I’m curious if you have any knowledge on prevention of schizophrenia in young children, ketosis in children, and any other helpful information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for all that you’re doing.


By: Cecile Seth Tue, 09 Feb 2021 21:30:48 +0000 In reply to Christine Francis.

Dr. Agnes Ayton is an eating disorder specialist at Oxford who is interested in the effects of the ketogenic diet in eating disorders. Here is her LinkedIn profile

By: Christine Francis Sat, 06 Feb 2021 12:40:08 +0000 I’ve read Dr. Palmer’s articles about the ketogenic diet and mental health. I see that he has studied the implications in Binge Eating Disorder. Has he also studied them with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa? Can you point me to some resources or clinicians?

By: Cecile Seth Mon, 23 Mar 2020 21:59:37 +0000 In reply to Charles.

You might also appreciate Dr. Palmer’s blog post Can a ketogenic diet successfully treat Bipolar Disorder?

By: Cecile Seth Mon, 23 Mar 2020 21:47:19 +0000 In reply to Charles.

Charles, I believe 2 of the 3 Therapeutic Ketogenic Dietitians on thispage / have experience with Parkinson’s as well. Unfortunately I don’t remember which ones.

By: Charles Mon, 09 Mar 2020 22:04:21 +0000 Dr. Palmer, I am currently being treated at a VA Hospital in Martinsburg West Virginia with Parkinson’s and schizo affective bi polar type mental health problems. Have you done any research or do you know of anyone who is doing research on this kind of disease combination? The VA likes to throw pills at the symptoms, not really offering advice how to deal with the problems. Do you have any suggestions? You were recommended by a retiring Psychologist who I admire very much. I see you have been around the top Medical circles and may not have time to answer my petty problems. I just thought that I would take a chance upon you would. Nothing ventured. Good day. Charles
