Comments on: Articles by Dr. Palmer Exploring the interface between mental and metabolic health Fri, 24 Feb 2023 19:40:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Chris Palmer Fri, 04 Sep 2020 09:39:55 +0000 Dr. Weed,
Thanks for sharing your interest in this work. At this point, Dr. Ede and myself are the only people in MA that I know of who are using the ketogenic diet to treat serious mental illness. Unfortunately, both of our practices are filled, so there aren’t many options for people seeking help. I’m hoping to change this by continuing the research and education on this emerging treatment and hoping that more clinicians like you will step up and be willing to help people with this intervention.

By: Dave Weed, Psy.D. Tue, 19 May 2020 13:59:05 +0000 Dr. Palmer – I worked as a clinical psychologist for the Mass. Dept. of Mental Health for over 30 years in Fall River and treated hundreds of adults with persistent disorders including schizophrenia. Since retiring in 2007, I discovered the benefits of a ketogenic diet for myself, bringing my A1c from 6.3 to 5.4. I have been following Dr. Georgia Ede’s work and her recommendations for using ketogenic diets for mental health and learned of your work at McLean, where I once worked in the 1970s. I now work with bariatric physician Jessica Inwood, MD at Southcoast Health in Fall River helping her patients with starting the diet. Do you know of anyone in MA who is using this diet to treat people with chronic mental health diagnoses? I would love to be of assistance to them as I know there are few ketogenic practitioners in the New England Area. You can find more about me at
